Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Get ready for Sexual Assault Awareness Month!

We have been working hard at PWCL to organize events and trainings during April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, that will knock you socks off, open your eyes and offer the community a way to help out. Check out what we've got going on and join us in raising awareness and creating change.

April 2nd Portland Proclaims April SAAM: Join the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners in supporting and acknowledging SAAM. > 9:30 AM SE Multnomah Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd 1st Floor Boardroom

Presented by the Multnomah County Sexual Assault Response Team

April 14th Advocating for Survivors with Cognitive Disabilities: A training by Mary Oschwald for advocates and other social service providers addressing sexual violence against people with cognitive disabilities and how providers can advocate on their behalf. Mary is a Research Assistant Professor at the Regional Research Institute, School of Social Work at Portland State University. Her research work focuses on interpersonal violence against people with disabilities, Deaf individuals, and elders. Lunch will be provided. >11 AM -1 PM SE Health Center, 3653 SE 34th Ave

Sponsored by the Law Office of Randall Vogt, PC

April 16th “Drunk Sex” an Interactive Performance: Act for Action – Theater for All presents an interactive workshop and performance focusing on sexual assault, alcohol and acquaintance rape, bystander intervention and victim blaming in a college setting. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. >4-6 PM Portland State University’s “Browsing Lounge”, SMSU room 238

Presented by the Tri-County Sexual Assault Task Force and PSU’s WRC

April 23rd Bike Back the Night Ride: Join PWCL for this annual community bike ride in collaboration with PSU’s Take Back the Night rally to increase awareness of sexual violence. Light snacks will be provided. > Rider check in begins at 4:30 PM. Ride begins at 6 PM sharp at Colonel Summer’s Park, 20th & SE Belmont Street. The ride ends at PSU.

Sponsored by the Law Office of Randall Vogt, PC

April 24th SHARE Community Forum and Fundraiser:

An event by SHARE (Sexual Harassment and Assault Resource Education) benefiting the Portland Women’s Crisis Line to increase accessibility to survivors who are deaf or hard of hearing. The forum will focus on shifting the victim blaming practice to a dialogue of strength and compassion There will also be food, entertainment, and a silent auction. Visit share.myevent.com for more information.> 7 PM Multnomah Arts Center, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy

April 9th, 16th and 30th Green House Collective Workshops: Join the members of the Green House Collective as they host Thursday night workshops in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness month. April 9th: Rape Culture. April 16th: Consent Workshop April 23rd: Join members of the Green House at Bike Back the Night! April 30th: Speak-Out open mic, and Self-Care workshop. Visit http://thegreenhousecollective.blogspot.com/ for more information. > Community potluck begins at 6 PM. Workshops start promptly at 7PM.

April Hygiene Item Drive: PWCL will be hosting a month long hygiene drive to collect items which will be distributed to survivors throughout the year. You can help by creating a collection site at your school, business, faith community or other community gathering place during the month of April. We will also be collecting donated items at all SAAM events. We will be collecting new underwear, socks, hygiene and self care items. Contact ally@pwcl.org to help out.

For more information visit www.pwcl.org or call our business office at 503-232-9751.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep moving on such a encouraging blog. Thanks.

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