Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Choice Bloggin'

I've been thinking for the past few days about what I would write on Blog for Choice Day. The first thing that came to mind is how glad I am to be born into a generation in which Roe V. Wade was already enacted. So many people had fought long and hard before I was even a twinkle in my mother's eye to ensure that women would have the right to choose what to do with their bodies and for that, I am grateful.

The next thing that came to mind was how vulnerable this right is in light of the conservative turn that this country has taken. When we started the PWCL Blog not too long ago I posted about the Global Gag Rule that restricts NGOs from providing family planning services (ie birth control and abortion) to women. It is sad to me that in 2007 we are still fighting to protect the rights we've earned via Roe V. Wade and fighting even more for the women around the world who have restricted or no access to family planning services because of a judgment placed upon them by the Bush Administration.

So on this Blog for Choice Day, I want to give a big shout out to all of you out there who continue to fight for the right to choose, and for those who are also fighting for thousands, maybe millions of women in other countries who's voices have been stifled by a handful of people in the US government. So as they would have said in the 70s, keep on truckin', ladies.

1 comment:

KelseyP said...

"It is sad to me that in 2007 we are still fighting to protect the rights we've earned via Roe V. Wade"

Ha, its 2008. Nice one, Kelsey.